My name is Erin, and I am a small-town girl from Ohio currently living in Indianapolis, Indiana. I have a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from The Ohio State University but I have found that my real passion lies in discovering the world. I work as a Registered Dietitian at a local hospital but my position is flexible and has allowed me to develop my other interests, particularly my love of travel.
I was fortunate enough to visit numerous places in the continental United States as a child, including family vacations to the Grand Canyon, Seattle, Myrtle Beach, Great Smoky Mountains, Florida Keys, New Orleans and more that I can’t even remember.
These family trips ignited a desire to visit new places and has since turned into a full-blown wanderlust that occupies a significant amount of my thoughts. I am constantly planning trips, researching destinations and generally fueling my passion by scanning through travel photos on Pinterest.
I am lucky to be married to a wonderful husband who puts up with my travel obsession and incessant planning of every detail of our trips. We have gone to numerous places in our soon to be 3 years of marriage and I have plenty of ideas for upcoming adventures. Apart from traveling, I like to play volleyball or tennis, go on runs, read, cook and spend time with family and friends (aka super normal things).
I hope you enjoy the stories, tips and information I provide on this blog and I welcome comments or suggestions.